PREST On-site Service
Our premier sealing service, dedicated to optimizing maintenance costs and equipment safety.
PREST is a unique and comprehensive sealing service program, dedicated to the reliability and the performance of your equipment securely. From the design to the maintenance of your installations, our multi-market offer will help you mastering lead times and optimizing costs.
From nuclear power plants to the most advanced research laboratories, our on-site PREST team optimizes plant equipment efficiency before, during and after scheduled and non-scheduled maintenance shutdowns. Backed by a deep expertise in engineering for both sealing systems and sub-systems, we also offer training and provide guidance on how to reduce maintenance costs and optimize the reliability of installations.
Our main activities cover cost and reliability optimization, assembly assistance of most critical equipment, fugitive emissions control (VOC), and equipment troubleshooting.
Note: Although our services meet all the environmental criteria required by our customers, they are not covered by ISO14001 certification.