How Metal Seals Work Infographic

How a Metal Seal Works

For metal seals, the design of the mating hardware is as critical as the seal design. Most traditional design standards related to polymer o-rings do not apply.

The Awe and Engineering of Space Exploration

Failure is not an option in human spaceflight and space exploration. That’s why aerospace leaders rely on Technetics Group to provide seals and solutions that perform flawlessly in every launch.

Machined Metal Seals Catalog

Technetics Group is committed to providing the highest quality metal seals and sealing systems. We provide seals for use in some of the most critical and demanding applications, including aerospace, nuclear power generation and automotive.

Mars Perseverence Rover

The Mars Perseverance Rover’s Touch Down on the Red Planet

With the world watching via live stream, the Perseverance Rover landed on Mars on Feb. 18, 2021. Technetics provides many products for critical equipment in the space industry.

HELICOFLEX® Spring Energized Seal

HELICOFLEX® Resilient Metal Seal

The SpaceX Falcon 9 Rocket Launch

On May 30th, the next chapter of U.S. space exploration began with the SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket launch to the International Space Station.


Die HELICOCARB® Kohlebürstendichtung, robust und leicht zu integrieren, bietet eine gute Anpassungsfähigkeit an Ihre extremen Betriebsbedingungen sowie Leistungsverbesserungen für Ihre rotierenden Anlagen.


The HELICOCARB® carbon brush seal, robust and easy to integrate, offers good adaptability to your service and operating conditions as well as performance improvements for your equipment. This sealing solution also allows you to reduce your total cost of ownership while ensuring safety and reliability of your installation.

BELFAB® Metal Bellow

BELFAB® Edge Welded Metal Bellows

BELFAB® Edge Welded Metal Bellows offer greater flexibility and control in the smallest possible place.