Hydrogen: Push Towards the Generation of Green H2

The desire to move to sustainable energy sources and reduce carbon emissions is growing exponentially. Low-cost renewable energy sources (e.g., solar, wind, hydro) are being developed and deployed worldwide.

Hydrogen Production: The Challenges and Practical Applications

As the world shifts its focus to decarbonization initiatives, research shows responsible leaders will pour more technology and infrastructure into the hydrogen production economy to provide clean, carbon-free energy storage.

An Aerospace Spin on Non-contacting Seal Technology

Non-Contacting Sealing Technology Reduces Wear, Heat, Increases Life Expectancy
Design features in the face of the mating ring force fluid (air, gas) into a converging gap in the sealing face. As the pressure builds, the faces separate.

Manufacturing in Space

Manufacturing in Space. It’s a thing and there are several companies now working to figure out the complexities and solve the challenges of manufacturing and assembling products in low-earth orbit and beyond.

The Mars Perseverance Rover’s Touch Down on the Red Planet

With the world watching via live stream, the Perseverance Rover landed on Mars on Feb. 18, 2021. Technetics provides many products for critical equipment in the space industry.

Le Laboratoire Maestral Met La Science Au Service De L’étanchéité

Maestral propose une approche scientifique multi-échelle, croisant essais, caractérisation et simulation pour développer des solutions d’étanchéité répondant aux besoins présent et futurs.

Maestral: The Laboratory That Uses Science To Serve Sealing

Maestal offers a multi-scale scientific approach combining tests, characterization, and simulation in order to develop sealing solutions that meet present and future needs.

Aerospace Sealing Solutions for Space Missions

Cryogenic fluid management is the foundation for current and future space programs. The availability of these propulsive fluids at launch, in orbital depots, and on the lunar surface is essential for future human exploration missions to Mars. Cryogenic fluids reside within pressurized fuel tanks and propellant subsystems.

The Benefits of High-Performance Metallic Seals in Critical Applications

The unparalleled reliability of Technetics high-performance metallic seals excels in the face of numerous challenging scenarios.

How Technetics Excels in Semiconductor Innovation and Performance

The semiconductor market requires tremendous precision, and Technetics’ engineered components that are up to the task.

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